
Regarding costs, OmniAction’s framework and services are a public good, freely available. We encourage anyone to use our framework and services widely.

In this context, we operate what we call “fair-use donations”. We trust any for-profit or not-for-profit entity that benefits financially from using our work, to make a fair-use donation.

OmniAction CIC Ltd is a community interest, not-for-profit organisation, registered in the UK. Company number 13856963.

Please find our bank account details below for making fair-use donations.

Independent, world-class guidance

The many hundreds of hands-on, world class food system actors in our community volunteer their science and expertise. They want to see a credible, globally agreed framework developed at pace.

With this OmniAction – uniquely – presents a 360-degree vision of Sustainability in the food system. There are no vested interests. This full-system insight de-risks the adoption of Sustainable practices by business and policy leaders. It reflects the globally agreed direction of travel.

How to use our work

OmniAction is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to build accountability in agriculture and food supply chains, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Thus, all our methodologies are free, publicly available on our website.

We welcome donations based on what organisations believe they are worth. We urge food system actors to consider a donation in the context of:

  • The value of certification schemes
  • Increased profitability
  • Access to finance based on ESG credentials
  • Enhanced brand value
  • Alternative marketing and public affairs costs associated with progressing a globally agreed and harmonised Sustainability or Sustainable Nutrition agenda

The donation may be:

  • One-off, or
  • Repeated annually based on the estimated % of the revenue that entities derive from using our work

In light of this, we would kindly ask your organisation to consider making a donation at an appropriate stage if it is finding value in our work. This will help us to continue developing and promoting solutions to the human rights, environmental and nutritional impacts of the global food system.

We will disclose all donations in our annual reports and whenever OmniAction receives a donation, the donor will be provided with a donor receipt.

How to donate

To that end, if you would kindly consider making a donation, please email the following information to at the time of making it:

  • Name of donor
  • Address of donor
  • Bank account number the donation was wired from
  • Description of transfer – please include “donation”
  • If possible, the wire confirmation

The donation can be wired as per below instructions:

  • Beneficiary name: OmniAction CIC
  • Please ensure the description includes the word “donation”
Bank instructions
  • Bank: Metro Bank PLC
  • Account Name: OMNIACTION CIC
  • Account Type: Community A/C (business account)
  • Sort Code: 23-05-80
  • Account Number: 45200914
  • IBAN: GB19MYMB23058045200914

Please be aware that Metro Bank does not participate in the Confirmation of Payee (COP) initiative and when entering the details as a new payee you may receive a response stating the details could not be confirmed. Please re-check the details entered and confirm the payment as requested. If you would like any further information about this, please contact us.



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